Friday, December 17, 2010


so amid all the endings goodbyes and fetes that we have been having i haven't posted very much. also i think i am trying to avoid it because so many beautiful things have happened in the past couple weeks that i just want to keep them in my brain and i know that writing about them won't do them justice.

we are done with school. i turned in a "research paper" (mostly reflection with only 3 sources) that was "6" pages long (5 3/5) and i got a 19.5/20 on my wolof exam!! i think it's cause im selling mame bineta my phone so she gave me a better grade.

i don't know what to explain really.
modou made me the COOLEST hippo out of metal/iron (iron work is his profession so it's pretty legit)

kira gave me a gnome that we named tukki (it means to travel in wolof) and he will go with me whenever i travel
i have a ton of weird bumps on my legs that i thought were mosquito bites but they are definitely not. the nice thing is that any weird maladies we get in the next 72 hours is really no big deal because we are going home where the diagnosis isn't always "climate change"

we have all found out that going home is harder than we could have imagined. we had our re-entry session where we talked about how to deal with being back in the states and everyone cried. that was 5 days before we were scheduled to leave. now i have 3 days. and gah. awesome. sob fest 10.

now i am going to the beach to avoid packing or thinking about anything except sunshine and wolof.


  1. uh oh sari. maybe you have bed bugs. we got those at a hostel in australia when we went. OOPSIE. the good news is is that it doesnt really matter because you are strong and powerful

  2. wait this is leah, i'm somehow on my moms google account still. but its me, leah schreiber
